Katie MATHER says:-
I am a married woman and reside at 25 Menlove Gardens West. On Tuesday the 20th istant, I answered the front door in response to a knock, and saw an exceptionally tall man, about 50 years, slim build, wearing a trilby hat, raincoat and glasses. This might have been before seven o’clock or it may have been shortly after [it would have been a fair bit after, witness not very reliable for matters of time?]. I have nothing definitely to gause (meant “gauge”?) it by. He said:- “Does Mr.Qualtrough live here?”. I told him (“)There(‘s) no one of that name here.” He replied:- “I am looking for Menlove Gardens East, they tell me there isn’t any”. I then told him I did not know the name. He said:- “Are there any other gardens about here?” I then said:- “Who told you it was East?”, and he said:- “I have had a message on the telephone, it’s funny isn’t it, there is no East.” I heard “The Geisha” on the wireless programme at 7 p.m. that night. The man may have called before I heard “The Geisha” [not possible, William left home at 6.45 p.m., arrived at the Gardens 7.20 p.m.], or it may have been shortly after.
(Signed) K.Mather.
Evidence taken 20th February 1931.
I am the wife of Richard Mather and I live at 25, Menlove Gardens, West, Liverpool.
Some time during the evening of the 20th January last there was a knock at the front door. I went to the door and saw a tall slight man. I formed no opinion as to his age [prior statement says “about 50 years”]. He had on a hat and coat. He made an enquiry.