Distance from 29 Wolverton Street to the St. Margaret’s Church stop is 605 yards (William Henry Harrison, surveyor) or 608 yards (P. Julian Maddock, civil and consulting engineer). Both men agree the “request” stop at Castlewood Road on the way there is 375 yards.
10 minutes from St. Margaret’s Church (SMC) tram stop to Smithdown Lane tram stop by P. Julian Maddock. 11 to 13 minutes by police tests counting the walk to board at the other stop. Take 11’30” as average.
Average walking speed by age (Wallace in his 50s):
Wallace Statement for Reference:
Claims three or four minute wait for the first tram. Note a short conversation before boarding the second tram.
“This would be something about 6.45. I cannot say definitely whether the milk boy called before I left the house, but I think he did.
I went up the entry, through the passage, across Richmond Park, through several narrow entries and finally into Sedley Street, and then into Belmont Road. From the corner of Belmont Road I walked down until I came to St. Margaret’s Church. I there waited for a car for three or four minutes. I got on the first car [claimed arrival at stop ~6.50.30/6.51.30 and departed ~6.54.30] and alighted at Lodge Lane and Smithdown Road. I then walked to the Smithdown Road car stop just round the corner, and asked the first car conductor “Will this car take me to Menlove Gardens East?”. I think the car was a number 8 [7.06 PM car]. The conductor said “Take a transfer ticket to Penny Lane and then change to a 5a”. He also mentioned other numbers which I cannot remember.”
Given that on the 20th of January, only one car was running from Belmont Road to Smithdown Lane and it was at 4 minutes intervals (Mr. Priestley to Maddock), Wallace waited less than 4 minutes unless he saw the prior tram departing.
[21 Mins – (17/18 Mins with no wait time)]
[3.17 to 3.75 mph Walk]
[Using an averaged 11 Mins 30 Secs SMC to Smithdown/Tunnel]
Tram Travel Times Separately:
12 minutes is an average, on police trips they got either 11 or 13 minutes from SMC (St. Margaret’s Church) to reaching the Smithdown Lane stop to changeover (they did not wait to actually board a tram from here).
If SMC to Smithdown is 10 minutes (Maddock) = walking speed 2.58 to 2.95 mph.
If SMC to Smithdown is 11 minutes (Police) = walking speed 2.95 to 3.44 mph.
If SMC to Smithdown is 13 minutes (Police) = walking speed 4.13 mph to 5.16 mph.
3.35 mph with all averaged out. Assuming probable wait time of less than 4 minutes for reasons stated earlier.
Expected walking speed for age: 2.9 – 3.2 mph (source).
Adophus Fothergill (with Sgt. Bailey; Constable Prendergast):
Test #1:
Boarded at a wrong but closer stop than Wallace claimed to use (despite “jumping” on a car just moving, took 19 minutes).
Adolphus Fothergill will say.
I am a Detective Sergeant of the Liverpool City Police. At 6.45 p.m. on Monday the 26th January, 1931 in company with Det. Sgt. Bailey I left the back door of 29, Wolverton Street. I turned to the left up the passage to the right to Richmond Park crossed the Park, and up a passage by new Institute to Sedley Street. Along Sedley Street to Castlewood Road and along to Belmont Road. Reaching Belmont Road, I saw an outer belt car about to leave car stop near Castlewood Road [WRONG STOP]. Jumped on car just moving at 6.53 p.m. [“about to leave” + “jumped on” = no wait?] I got off the tram car at the corner of Tunnel Road and Smithdown Road crossed to the opposite corner, arriving there at 7.4 p.m.
[19 Mins]
[1.6 mph Walk (Abnormally Slow)]
Test #2:
Correct tram stop, managed to arrive at this much further stop three minutes sooner.
At 6.45 p.m. on Tuesday the 27th January 1931 accompanied by Con 95 “E” Prendergast, I left the back door of 29 Wolverton Street. Turned to the left up passage by new Institute to Sedley Street; along Sedley Street to Castlewood Road, along Castlewood Road to Belmont Road, and along Belmont Road, to car stop corner of Belmont Road and Rocky Lane arriving there at 6.50 p.m. I then boarded an outer belt car at 6.52 p.m. ^and alighted at the corner of Tunnel Road and Smithdown Road, crossed to car stop corner of Smithdown Lane and Tunnel Road, arriving there at 7.3 p.m.
[18 Mins]
[4.13 mph Walk]
[11 Mins SMC to Smithdown/Tunnel]
James Reginald Hill (with Constable Gilroy):
Boarded a tram at a closer stop than Wallace claimed to use, got 17 minutes.
James Reginald Hill says.
I am Detective Sgt. 120 “H” of The City Police.
On the 27th. January 1931, I accompanied other officers to the rear of the house 29, Wolverton Street. At 6.49pm I left the rear of the house with Constable Gilroy, C.I.D. and proceeded through the entries into Castlewood Road. We boarded a tram car at the car stop at Castlewood Road [WRONG STOP], at 6-52pm and left the car at the junction of Tunnel Road and Earle Road. We walked to the car stop at the corner of Smithdown Lane and Tunnel Road and it was then 7-6pm.
[17 Minutes]
[4.26 mph Walk]
Walter Stanley Oliver (with Sgt. Bailey)
Two minute wait for the tram. Left eight minutes after 6.45 PM. Got 20 minutes (18 minutes with no waiting time).
Walter Stanley Oliver says.
I am Detective Constable 409 “H” of the Liverpool City Police.
On the 27th. January 1931 I accompanied other officers to the rear of the house 29, Wolverton Street. At 6-53pm with Sgt. Bailey I left the entry and proceeded through entries into Castlewood Road and along Belmont Road to St. Margaret’s Church. At 7-0pm we boarded a car outside St. Margaret’s Church going towards Lodge Lane. We had waited about two minutes for that car. We left the car at the corner of Tunnel Road and Earle Road and walked to the car stop at the corner of Smithdown Lane and Tunnel Road. We arrived at that point at 7-13pm.
[20 Mins (18 Mins with no wait time)]
[4.13 mph Walk]
[13 Mins from SMC to Smithdown/Tunnel]
William Predergast (with Sgt. Fothergill):
William Predergast says.
I am Constable 95 “B” of The City Force.
On the 27th.January 1931 I went with other officers to the rear of the house 29, Wolverton Street. At 6-45pm I left the rear of the house along with Sgt.Fothergill and went through the entries to Castlewood Road. We turned into Belmont Road and walked to St.Margaret’s Church. We waited for two minutes and boarded a car going in the direction of Lodge Lane at 6-52pm. We left the car at the corner of Tunnel Road and Earle Road and walked to the car stop at the corner of Smithdown Lane and Tunnel Road. We arrived at that point at 7-3pm.
[18 Mins (16 Mins with no wait time)]
[4.13 mph Walk]
[11 Mins SMC to Smithdown/Tunnel]
William Brown Gilroy (with Sgt. Hill):
Left eight minutes after 6.45.
William Brown Gilroy says.
I am Detective Constable 431 “H” of The City Force.
On Monday the 26th.January 1931, I accompanied other officers to the rear of the house 29, Wolverton Street. I left at 6-53pm in company with another officer. I proceeded through the entry by the new Institute Richmond Park into Sedley Street and into Castlewood Road and boarded a tram car ar 6-57pm at St.Margaret’s Church, Belmont Road and arrived at Lodge Lane, Junction of Smithdown Lane and Tunnel Road, at 7-10pm. I corroborate the evidence of Sgt. Hill, concerning the test on the 27th. January 1931.
[17 Mins]
[5.16 mph Walk]
[13 Mins SMC to Smithdown/Tunnel]